Now, you are in your third trimester, where you can experience many physical and emotional challenges. It even makes you understand what actually the pregnancy period looks like. On the other hand, you should get ready to witness the baby’s feet as they get more active and active. In this stage, you are getting so closer to the time for giving birth to the baby. Being cautious with each step is essential as the belly s grows higher. Further, it makes you feel unbalanced sometimes, which may lead you to slip. “Keep yourself active both physically and mentally to ensure a happy pregnancy journey” Here, you are about to go through the happenings of the 29th week of pregnancy along with their symptoms and checklist below.
Fetal Development at Week 29
In comparison with other weeks, your baby is getting double active in the 29th week of pregnancy. Moreover, the kicks become higher and occur often, which ensures the healthy stage of your baby. Sometimes, your healthcare specialists suggest you check out the kick counts. This counting over kicks is done to ensure how active the baby is. You should do this during the morning and night time to witness the changes over every day. Now, your baby is about 14 inches and weighs about 2 pounds, and looks like a complete package. The muscles and lungs of the baby are getting matured along with an increase in hunger. In this third trimester, you will about to hold your baby directly in the belly along with witnessing their moves.Your Body at Week 29
In the 29th week of pregnancy, you will gather weight and that is the reason behind various symptoms. Meanwhile, it occurs due to the presence and the growth of the baby significantly. Your stomach will get hungry often and it is daily calorie requirement stands up to 500 per day. There is some constant growth in the belly and also in your uterus as the baby is there. The constant changes in hormone levels remain as they step behind the weight gain. Other than this, the high level of amniotic fluid in the uterus is one of the reasons for the weight increase. The breast tenderness and veins pain brings severe discomfort in the 29th week of pregnancy.Hormonal Changes at Week 29
Everyone knows very well that all the body changes that occur in the body are only due to hormonal changes. In that instance, keeping you active and taking the right nutritional foods helps in maintaining the symptoms. In week 29 of pregnancy, hormone production in the body leads to severe weight gain. You cannot control the hormones but it is applicable for the symptoms by doing exercises. Never get frightened over the symptoms and hormonal changes as they are common. But, ensure these with health care specialists to maintain your and your baby’s health.Week 29 Pregnancy Symptoms
Similar to all the weeks, this week 29, which is your third trimester also makes you experience some symptoms. Here, you are given certain symptoms that every woman will go through in this stage. Faster Nails – Due to the hormonal changes the nails will grow faster rather than the usual times Abdominal Pain – Weight gain and baby kicks are the significant reason behind the abdominal pain. Sometimes, you can witness the cramps that bring you severe tension. Lack of Breath – the discomfort in breathing mainly occurs due to the growing uterus. If you feel severe problems regarding breathing, then contact the doctor immediately. Migraines – the hormonal changes in the body bring this time to time often. In case of experiencing headaches, calm your mind in a dark and quiet room. You can even do some cold presses in your neck and chest. Frequent Urination – Urinating often is one of the common symptoms that come due to plenty of water consumption. There is some extra pressure is put on your uterus only by your baby. Already, you are tired and frequent visits to the bathroom annoy your mood badly. Hemorrhoids – it is one of the itchy and painful that renders extreme disturbance. Sometimes, it may cause due to the long stretches so avoid such things. Before taking any medications for this, it is essential to consult your doctor for better outcomes. If there is rectal bleeding, you should do exercises, consume nutritious foods and drink plenty of water. Preeclampsia – it is one of the serious symptoms that will cause during the 29th week of pregnancy. It causes some main complications like high blood pressure that brings changes in liver and kidney functioning. Check your regular pressure count often to ensure better solutions for the body. It even accompanies the symptoms like swelling in the legs, headache, nausea, and vomiting.Week 29 Pregnancy Checklist
As you are now in the third trimester, which is the 29th week of pregnancy, it is essential to have a checklist for perfect health. Here, you are given certain things to follow during this week for better outcomes.- Eating healthy foods and having a balanced diet are highly important
- Taking enough amount of water is the only way of maintaining symptoms
- Doing exercises often and relaxing your muscles and body is needed
- Be active and never let your body and mind completely drained out
- Include nutrients like Vitamin c, d, fiber, and minerals for better health
- Give preference for green veggies and fruits to get something right
- Avoid eating junk and oily foods that may remain harmful for your baby
- Surround with a pleasant environment that renders you immense pleasure
- Take the medications on time and visit the doctor on time to maintain the health
- Keep you away from the things that affect both your mental and physical health.