Congratulations, the third week of periods delay is an official confirmation of your pregnancy. This is all about nearly 1 month and you can do the pregnancy test at your home before rushing out to the hospitals. The 3rd week is highly precious when the tiny cluster of cells starts to grow rapidly and it’s going to be your prince or princess soon. During this period, surging hormonal changes enhance the smelling sense of woman which is a sign of pregnancy too.
Fetal Development at Week 3
Of course, we can’t express such good feelings just with simple words. Being a mother is a wonderful moment and this 3rd week of late periods confirms your pregnancy without a doubt. From this week, your fetus starts growing faster and you can see the biggest transformation day-by-day. You can take it as a completion of 1 month and consider still you have 8 months to welcome your newborn. The cells look like a tiny ball, its middle of the area is embryo and outside named as placenta. The interesting fact here is that placenta appears as a small pan shaped-cake organ that works to deliver the oxygen and nutrients to your baby.Your Body at Week 3
Now, your baby starts to move down to the fallopian tube and implant itself in the uterus. According to the report, nearly 20% percent of women can expect the slight bleeding symptoms especially after 6 to 12 days of conception. From this week, it is recommended to take complete rest and free from all heavy work that makes your mind and body stressed. Even better, make a consultation with a doctor and include the advice in accordance with your health condition.Hormonal Changes at Week 3
In this time period, the cells turn as a placenta and come out of the pregnancy hormone (HCG). It instructs the ovaries to stop producing the eggs and paves the way for progesterone used to protect the uterus from tiny passengers. If the HCG is higher in your urine, your pregnancy is confirmed.Week 3 Pregnancy Symptoms
Obviously, the health condition and symptoms of a pregnant woman changes week-by-week. It’s quite normal and common for everyone. In such a case, we see the symptoms and causes of 3rd week pregnancy in the following lines:1. None Symptoms
There are a few who don’t have any pregnancy symptoms and get frustrated with some unhealthy imaginations. But this is a big issue to worry about and you may feel the same till 5 weeks of pregnancy.2. Breast Change
Women may feel the exaggerated version of their breast that usually happens before a menstrual period. The outside area of the nipples seems darker then.3. Slow Digestion
Just because of progesterone hormone the muscles are getting relaxed including the digestive tract. So, obviously the work of the digestive part gets slowed down and makes you feel like gas and bloating.4. Variations in Basal Body Temperature
There is an increasing change in basal temperature so it is essential to monitor the temperature by morning and while going to bed at night.Week 3 Pregnancy Checklist
Without fail, you have to follow some factors that are listed below:- Must avoid overheating
- Give space to analyze your actual emotions
- Avoid drinking coffee
- Quit smoking, drinking or drugs
- Have a good sleep
- Take highly nutritious snacks and meals