In your 5th week of pregnancy, you can witness a little glimpse of your baby. However, the size of the baby is more or less equal to the small seed. You can also feel some changes both physically and emotionally in your body. Despite this, you will feel symptoms like fatigue, sore breasts, and morning sickness. The size of your baby in this stage is around 2 millimeters, which is the start of their growth. Further, you can use the ultrasound to hear the minute heartbeat of your baby. During the 5th week, you will surely get positive results for all your pregnancy results. But, this is the stage that makes you deal with new feelings, emotions, and concerns. Now, you are about to learn some more things about the 5th-week pregnancy below.
Fetal Development at Week 5
The fifth week of the pregnancy marks will start in the embryonic period. Meanwhile, this is the stage where the heart, brain, and spinal cord of the baby begin to grow. To ensure the healthy heartbeat of the baby uses ultrasound to witness. The embryo will grow quickly but looks very small, similar to sesame seeds. Also, it is the stage of gearing up for some incredible changes in your body. Visiting the health care consultant is the best way of maintaining good health for you and your baby.Your Body at Week 5
In the fifth week of pregnancy, your baby will look more or less similar to the tadpole. In addition, the placenta, amniotic sac, and umbilical cord are still forming for further weeks. Despite this, the baby is surrounded by gestational and yolk sacs, which provide nutrients and protection for the embryo. Their nervous and circulatory systems will start their growth in this period. It is essential to be more careful and conscious of your health.Hormonal Changes at Week 5
During the fifth week of pregnancy, there are various possibilities for hormonal changes in the body. Moreover, the circulating hormones in your body help to maintain and support your pregnancy.- Human Chorionic Gonadotropin – It is one of the vital hormones in your body that helps in increasing the nourishment of your baby. Also, at the end of the first trimester, the placenta starts to function fully. Other than this, HCG is completely responsible for an adequate level of progesterone.
- Progesterone – is one of the essential hormones that indulge in various functions in the body. It is not just for maintaining placental function but also for inhibiting uterine contractions. This hormone helps in stimulating breast tissue growth.
- Estrogen – This hormone is significant for maintaining and producing progesterone and HCG levels.
Week 5 Pregnancy Symptoms
Pregnancy symptoms are something unique and unpredictable that differs for individuals. Further, you can also find some differences in the first and last pregnancies. Usually, nausea and vomiting are the common symptoms of the 5th-week pregnancy. Also, progesterone and HCG hormone is the essential reason for various symptoms in pregnancy. Getting you some common symptoms of pregnancy stage below- Morning sickness
- Lightheadedness
- Frequent urination
- Acute sense of smell
- Abdominal cramps
- Spotting
- Fatigue
- Breast Changes
- Food cravings
- Vaginal discharge and
- Mood swings
Week 5 Pregnancy Checklist
- Schedule Prenatal Doctor Visit – Going for a doctor visit is essential to ensure the health of the baby and mother. Your doctor will let you know the happenings in your body and to maintain it healthy.
- Take Prenatal Vitamin – prenatal vitamin contains high folic acids that help in reducing the risk of birth defect. It also contains omega-3 fatty acids that make you enjoy a healthy pregnancy. Without a doubt, these nutrients are significant for developing the brain and eyes of a baby. Rather than this, it increases the nutrient levels in breast milk.
- Practice Food Safety – make sure you take proper proteins despite the seafood that makes you sick. Even avoiding dairy products will help to ensure your health.